D O M E S T I C    A B U S E

2019: the military services recorded 8,055 incidents that met DOD’s criteria for domestic abuse.

The Department of Defense recorded more than 40,000 domestic abuse incidents involving military servicemembers, spouses, or intimate partners from FY 2015-19. Of these, 74 percent were physical abuse.

Domestic abuse can result in devastating personal consequences and societal costs, and according to DOD, is incompatible with military values and reduces mission readiness. In fiscal year 2019, the military services recorded 8,055 incidents that met DOD’s criteria for domestic abuse.

DOD and the services have taken steps to prevent and respond to domestic abuse. However, the GAO identified gaps in key areas, including data collection and reporting, implementation and oversight of response activities, and training for key personnel.

The GAO made 32 recommendations to DOD and the military services to improve their domestic abuse prevention and response, as well as their oversight of these activities.

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There are several help lines for military families seeking help from domestic abuse. Click on https://www.militaryonesource.mil/all-the-ways/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw7MGJBhD-ARIsAMZ0eetO7VjpTYc7iTF-sH9wL7ChNwQbGLDxaP2NoS1ggHtG85XVaTH9incaAq3bEALw_wcB

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reminds Veterans nationwide that VA’s Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) and Grant and Per Diem (GPD) provide housing and other services for Veterans experiencing domestic violence and intimate partner violence. Additionally, in observance of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, VA’s Intimate Partner Violence Assistance Program will gather with internal and external national partners this October to help promote the department’s mission to foster healthy relationships and safety.

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